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[코리아타임스] 2024 제55회 한국현대문학번역상 공모

2024-05-31 00:00 ~ 2024-08-31 23:59
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2024 제55회 한국현대문학번역상 공모

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55th Modern Korean Literature
Translation Awards

The Korea Times invites translators from around the world to participate in the
55th Modern Korean Literature Translation Awards.
Many of the leading translators and scholars working in the field today began
their careers as winners of the Modern Korean Literature Translation Awards,
and The Korea Times looks forward to ushering in a new generation of talent in
the years to come.
This annual competition awards English translations of works of contemporary
Korean literature in two categories: fiction/drama and poetry. Applicants may
submit a translation of a work of fiction or drama or 10 poems by the same
In both categories, the judges will be looking for accurate and readable
translations in well-written English of significant works of contemporary
literature. Works that have already been published as English translations are
not eligible for entry.
The KoreaTimes

Translations should be sent before Aug. 31, 2024, as email attachments in PDF
format to ktimes.translation@gmail.com with the subject
※자세한 사항은 공모전 링크를 꼭 확인해 주시길 바랍니다.